A couple of years ago an armadillo died in our yard. I was working late hours and did not get to disposing of it for a few days. So one day I came home my wife threatened if I did not dipose of the armadillo she was going to kill me. The smell was awful . I walked out there to look at it it was gross, so there was only one thing I could think to do. I went and got my riding lawn mower. I raised the deck positioned the mower over the armadillo, engaged the blade and proceeded to lower the deck, I quickly realized that this was not my smartest plan, but I was too far into the plan to back out now. So I lowered my head on the steering wheel and shielded it with my arms to protrect me from flying debris. When the clatter stopped I raised my head to see my neighbor standing his front porch asking me what was hitting his house. Needless to say my wife was not very happy with me. I was however impressed on how far the pieces flew. A few days latter a cat died in the back yard and with brought it to my attention . I told her I would go get the mower and she about killed me.