Well i took the plunge and ordered a Carvewright. I have about ten years professional woodworking experience and a few personal years as well. In aug of 2008 i started suffering from severe tremors along with balance and coordination issues. I ordered this machine so help me do the things i just can't do on a regular basis anymore. This includes, mortis and tenon work among other things. I've been reading this forum for about a week. I realize that you need a strong mechanical aptitude to own of of these machines. I have used CNC machines in the past. Cnc foam cutters, and small mills. I've seen allot of frustrated users with issues. I just think it's funny when u compare these issues with other cnc routers on the market. Imagine paying $10,000 for a machine and going through all these quirks let alone $2000 for this one. I've already learned allot about this machine from this forum and it's much appreciated.