I've been playing with the scanning software by touching up some of the patterns I have downloaded from the patterns thread (my scanner arrived before my repair parts so I can't scan for myself yet should be going mid-week ).

Anyhow, the tools provided by the software are pretty good. You can play withthe blur and other filter settings as well as soem basic paint type tools. I just noticed that you can select a section of the image and apply the tools to just that selection. The exact workings of the + - = as it relates to multiple selections escapes me however.

Two things seem to be missing though. One is there is not paste! You can cut and copy but paste remains greyed out. The second is you can't seem to 'draw' anywhere that is transparent. Let's say you scan and old trim piece that had a small section missing. Without the ability to draw, copy, or a clone tool you can't currently do anythign to fix it.