
Type: Posts; User: paigecaroline; Keyword(s):

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  1. Sorry I didnt reply fast enough, I'm on vacation...

    Sorry I didnt reply fast enough, I'm on vacation and not just settin around the computer. It doesnt post immediately anyway. Not sure when it posted actually. Anyway, yes, that's what I'm hoping...
  2. Was carving a practice piece, the carver dug in...

    Was carving a practice piece, the carver dug in and went straight into the piece instead of turning. Tore it down, got it working again. Now it keeps giving me Z axis stall. I've tried new cable,...
  3. Need Help!!! Looking for carver near Brockway, PA to help finish a project.

    I started carving some molding for my living room, quite a while ago. I've had trouble with the machine, been to the trouble shooting section, tried a few different suggestions from the forum, still...
  4. Replies

    Z axis stall

    Hi there,

    This is my first post, on any forum. not much of a computer wizard. Anyway, was doing a trial carve today, to make sure my placement was right. Suddenly the carver ran off path and...
Results 1 to 4 of 4